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PCAP: Python Essentials 1 – Module 1 Test Answer

PCAP: Python Essentials 1 – Module 1 Test Answer.Learn programming from scratch and master Python. cisco free course answer 2022
pcap module 1 ans

Python Essentials - Final Test:

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  1. What is true compilation?(Select two answer)

    • Both you and user must have the compiler to run your code
    • The code is converted directly into machine code executable by the processor
    • It tends to be faster than interpretation
    • It tends to be than interpretation

  2. What is CPython?

    • It’s the default, reference implementation of the C language, written in Python
    • It’s a programming language that is a supperset of the Python, designed to produce C-like performance with code written in Python
    • It’s the default, reference implementation of Python, written in the C language
    • It’s a programming that is a superset of the C language, designed to produce Python-like performance with code written in C

  3. What are the four fundaments elements the make a language?

    • An alphabet, morphology, phonetics, and semantics
    • An alphabet, a lexis, a syntax, and semantics
    • An alphabet, a lexis, phonetics, and semantics
    • An alphabet, phonetics, phonology, and semantics

  4. What do you call a file containing a program written in a high-lavel programming language?

    • A machine file
    • A code file
    • A target file
    • A source file
  5. What do you call a command-line interpreter which lets you interact with your OS and execute Python commands and scripts?

    • An editor 
    • A console
    • A compiler
    • Jython

  6. What is the expected behavior of the following program?


    • The program will output ("Hello!") to the screen
    • The program will generate an error message on the screen
    • The program will output  Hello! to the screen
    • The program will output "Hello!" to the screen

  7. What is the best definition of a script?

    • It’s an error message generated by the interpreter 
    • It’s an error message generated by the compiler 
    • It’s a text file that contains which make up a Python program
    • It’s a text file that contains sequences of zeroes and ones

  8. What is the expected behavior of the following program?


    • The program will output Goodbye! to the screen
    • The program will generate an error message on the screen 
    • The program will output("Goodbye!")
    • The program will output "Goodbye!"

  9. What is machine code?

    • A high-level programming language consisting of instruction lists that humans can read and understand 
    • A medium-level programming language consisting of the assembly code designed for the computer processor
    • A low-level programming language consisting of binary digits/bits that the computer reads and understands
    • A low-level programming language consisting of hexadecimal digits that make up high-level language instructions 

  10. Select the true statements?(Select two answer)

    • Python is a good choice for creating and executing tests for applications
    • Python 3 is backwards compatible with Python 2
    • Python is a good choice for low-level programming e.g., when you want to implement an effective driver
    • Python is free, open-source, and multiplatform
Python Essentials - Final Test:

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