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PCAP: Python Essentials 2 – Module 3 Test Answers

PCAP: Python Essentials 2 – Module 3 Test Answers.Learn programming from scratch and master Python. cisco free course answer 2022
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Python Essentials - Final Test:

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  1. What will be the result of executing the following code?

    class Ex(Exception):
                Exception._init_(self,msg + msg)
                self.args = (msg,)
           raise Ex('ex')
    except Ex as e:
    except Exception as e:
    • it will print ex
    • it will print exex
    • it will print an empty line
    • it will raise an unhandled exception
  2. A data structure described as LIFO is actually a:

    • list 
    • stack
    • heap
    • tree
  3. What will be the output of the following code?

    class A:
        A = 1
    print(hasattr(A, 'A'))
    • 0
    • False
    • 1
    • True
  4. What will be the effect of running the following code?

    class A:
            self._a = v + 1
    a = A(0)
    • 2
    • The code will raise an AttributeError exception
    • 0
    • 1
  5. What will be the result of executing the following code?

    class A:
    class B(A):
    class C(B):
    • it will print 1
    • it will print False
    • it will print True
    • it will raise an exception
  6. What will be the result of executing the following code?

    class A:
            return 'a'
    class B:
            return 'b'
    class C(A, B):
    o = C()
    • it will print b
    • it will print c
    • it will print a
    • it will raise an exception
  7. What will be the result of executing the following code?

    class A:
        def a(self):
    class B: def a(self): print('b')
    class C(B,A):
    def c(self): self.a() o = C() o.c()
    • it will raise an exception
    • it will print a
    • it will print c
    • it will print b
  8. What will be the result of executing the following code?

       raise Exception(1,2,3)
    except Exception as e:
       print (len(e.args))
    • it will print 1
    • it will print 2
    • it will raise as unhandled exception
    • it will print 3
  9. What will be the output of the following code?

    class A:
       X = 0
       def __init__(self,v = 0):
           self.Y = v
           A.X += v
    a = A()
    b = A(1)
    c = A(2)
    • 2
    • 3
    • 0
    • 1
  10. If the class’s constructor is declared as below, which one of  the assignments is valid?

    class Class:
         def __init__(self):
    • object = Class
    • object = Class()
    • object = Class(self)
    • object = Class(object)
  11. What will be the result of executing the following code?

    def f(x):
            x = x / x
    • it will raise an unhandled exception
    • it will print bcac 
    • it will print acac
    • it will print bcbc 
  12. If there is a superclass named A and a subclass named B, which one of the presented invocations should you put instead of the comment?

    class A:
         def __init__(self):
            self.a = 1
    class B(A):
         def __init__(self):
             # put selected line here.
             self.b = 2
    • A.__init__(self)
    • __init__()
    • A.__init__()
    • A.__init__(1)
  13. What will be the result of executing the following code?

    class A:
    a = A(1)
    • 1
    • False
    • it will raise an exception
    • True
  14. What will be the result of executing the following code?

    class A:
    ​​​​     def__init__(self):
              return 'a'
    class B(A):
               return 'b'
    class c(B):
    o = C()
    • it will print c 
    • it will print b
    • it will print a 
    • it will raise an exception
  15. What will be the output of the following code?

    class A:
         def__init__(self,v = 1):
             self.v =v
         def set(self,v):
             self.v = v
             return v
    a = A()
    print(a.set(a.v + 1))        
    • 2
    • 1
    • 3
    • 0
  16. What will be the result of executing the following code?

    class A:
          v = 2
    class B(A):
          v = 1
    class C(B):
    o =C()
    • it will raise an exception 
    • it will print 2
    • it will print an empty line
    • it will print 1
Python Essentials - Final Test:

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